Salon International 2012

I'm excited to announce that the oil painting  "A Delicious Subject" has been selected for Salon International 2012, Greenhouse Gallery of Fine Art, San Antonio Texas.  (Opens April 14th).  I'm thrilled and humbled to be among dozens of highly regarded artist selected for this years competition.

"A Delicious Subject "

Sweet As Sugar

I love fresh strawberries.  Especially when they are ripened just right and sweet as sugar.  This is the latest in the Homer Laughlin Fiesta series.  This Vintage Fiesta sugar bowl was made between the years of 1936 and 1972.  The Roman style handles on the sugar bowl and finial knob on the lid are very strong identifiers for this piece.  I love the bright yellow contrast to the ripe Driscoll strawberries.

Strawberries and Lace

This is a recent painting.  I just realized it's been a while since I posted.. am planning to be better this year and want to thank those of you who have been faithful to check in.

I LOVE strawberries... they are one of my favorite fruits - especially when they are picked ripe.   Because they ripen so quickly, I took pictures of them (in this case, in my vintage Fiesta Cobalt blue comport dish) to make sure I could capture them at their peak.  I used a dummy set up in my still life box and relied on both the set up and the digital picture to get a "real" representation of color.   Hope you like it.